
Sugar beet rust

Causal agent : This disease is caused by the fungus Uromyces betae, an Oomycete of the Pucciniaceae family.

Description :

  • Sugar beet rust is manifested by the presence of small pustules with a diameter of 1 mm and a yellow-orange color on both sides of the leaves and on the flower stalks.
  • This species exhibits a structure called uredospores which are summer spores contained in rusty-red pustules on host plants. It also shows another structure called teliospores, which are darker in color, which are winter spores that keep the fungus from year to year.

Biology :

  • The development of the disease is favored by cool (15 ° C to 21 ° C) and humid weather.
  • The Uromyces betae fungus does not require an alternate host to complete its life cycle.
  • It overwinters on volunteer beets and in infected plant debris.
  • The evolutionary cycle of rust has 5 kinds of fruiting bodies.
  • It is especially the uredo-teliospore stages that are harmful.
  • The disease is spread by wind, people and machines.

Symptoms :

  • Small reddish-brown spots (uredospores) are found on the surface of leaves, petioles and stems.
  • A dark brown spore stage (teliospores) is sometimes found on the leaves towards the end of the growing season.
  • Sometimes the disease destroys the foliage, making it difficult to pull beets.
  • Sugar yield losses of up to 11% have been observed in field trials, researchers say, but the economic importance of beet rust is still debated.

Control :

  • The choice of sugar beet cultivars with tolerance to beet rust should be considered in an integrated disease management strategy.
  • The choice of fungicides with different modes of action.
  • Balanced plant nutrition.
  • Chemical control: ACANTO PLUS at a dose of 0.5l / ha.
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