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ACANTO PLUS® is a fungicide, in the form of a suspension concentrate, registered for the control of Sigatoka and Rust on Sugar beet and Septoria and Rust on Wheat.
ACANTO PLUS® contains picoxystrobin, a strobilurin and cyproconazole, a triazole fungicide. These two groups of fungicides are complementary, picoxystrobin and other strobilurin analogues inhibit fungal respiration, while cyproconazole inhibits fungal penetration, germ tube elongation and mycelial growth.
ACANTO PLUS® is a preventive, systemic, translaminar and vapor active fungicide. It shows good crop safety, good disease control and maintenance of leaf greenery, resulting in significant yield benefits. It is best used as a protective treatment before or in the early stages of disease development.
ACANTO PLUS® should not be applied to crops suffering from stress as a result of drought, waterlogging, low temperatures, insect attack, nutrient deficiency or other factors. reducing crop growth.
The compatibility of ACANTO PLUS® with other products has not been fully investigated. Mixtures, in a treatment tank, whose physical compatibility and crop safety have not been evaluated must first be tested on a limited scale. Consult the manufacturer if in doubt.
ACANTO PLUS® is a combination of group 11 and group 3 fungicides. Any population of fungi may contain individuals naturally resistant to Group 3 or 11 fungicides. Resistant individuals may eventually dominate the fungus population if these fungicide groups are used separately on an ongoing basis. The use of ACANTO PLUS® will help minimize the emergence of fungus resistant to either Group 3 and Group 11 fungicides.